
thus begins september....and everything after.

cliche to post my first public blog on september first, given my blog's name? probably, but i couldn't resist. for those of you who don't know, the blog's title is an allusion to counting crows's first album, august and everything after. something about the sound of the word september, coupled with the beginning of a new academic year, seemed reason enough to modify the album's title. this fall's blog posts will be mostly my thoughts amid the hustle and bustle of manhattan, possibly the west coast, and some areas in between. in the spring i'll be studying in london, so i'm glad i'll have this to blog the season's adventures.

this summer's been like no other for me: first apartment in manhattan, first paid internship in about six months, first collaboration with a novelist, and first season i've wound up with more money in my bank acount than i began with (!). my sister, kristin, returned from europe in june, so i spent time with her, and most of my friends from school spent at least a month or so in manhattan. going to the US open tonight, counting crows concert in central park on thursday, and running the 5K "run to remember" race for 9/11 on sunday. definitely an excellent way to wrap up the summer.


klroti said...

so proud that all of the upcoming events you mentioned include myself ;)

Dr. Hilarious said...

i have a blog eveningsonlongisland.blogspot.com where i once intended to write about exactly what the title says but only posted twice and never made the blog public. oops! glad you're actually using yours :)

k said...

ah! i wish i used it more! silly classes.